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Reese Wholesale

Mike Westfall Contact: 317-538-3802
1155 E. 45th St. Indianapolis IN 46220 Home Phone: 317-538-3802
Photo of Reese Wholesale

Biographical Info

Reese Roofing and Furnace Co., located at 1050 E 49th Street in Indianapolis, IN, was formed in 1937 by John, Maguerite and Frank Reese with Virginia Stiffler joining the company a short time later. In 1952, the contracting company sold all of their equipment to Howard Leitz and formed Reese Wholesale. In 1957 Reese incorporated and Reese Central Wholesale was officially formed. Reese has been in the roofing business since 1937 and has been wholesaling material since 1952.

How We’re Different

  • Excellent customer service and quality products by top vendors
  • Fully stocked showrooms with the latest free samples and products from top vendors
  • 2% cash payment discount
  • Pricing and product spec information 24-7 at
  • Our informational and innovative training session held at Reese Wholesale keep our staff and customers knowledgeable and up to date on new products and new techniques
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